
Karthik Subramanian's stupid fake profile at curowelth.com

URL http://archive.is/CGq8I
Fund Manager, N.S.Karthik, has over 8 years of experience in the forex trading market and is currently managing growth funds for investment Firms in both the UK and the US. 
He also works as an analyst for various websites likewww.fxstreet.com and www.fxinstructor.com as and when time permits. He had also been blogging at http://ns-karthik.blogspot.com/ with almost 400 visitors a day before embarking on this venture. 
He had also in the IT field for almost 11 years and has been the project manager for various projects for Discover Card in the USA and AXA Life & Pensions in the UK.

The Scam Site Is Back !! lol

His former financial scam site "curowelth.com" is back thanks to the Internet Archive WayBack Machine



"Compliance Director" John Islington = Karthik Subramanian told an idiotic makeshift lie and ran away


Your Question: infos about you
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with John Islington - General
15:37John Islington: Hi
15:38John Islington: How can i help you today?
15:38Sinyu: infos are updated ?
15:38John Islington: Sorry sir but i do not understand the question?
15:38Sinyu: infos about the liquidation and insolvency
15:39John Islington: Oh yes, please visit the page , all infos are updated there
15:39John Islington: http://fxethos.com/faq.php
15:39Sinyu: ok thanks
15:41Sinyu: cant find it
John Islington has left the conversation.
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A Document About Their Liquidation And Insolvency Will Be Updated On Their Site Within A Few Days

Your Question: document about the liquidation
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke - General
17:49Melinda Clarke: welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with?
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Where is the document about the liquidation ?
17:50Melinda Clarke: sorry i didn't get you.
17:51Anshi: you said the document regarding the liquidation process was on your site
17:51Anshi: liquidation and insolvency
17:52Melinda Clarke: it will be updated in our website within a few days.
17:52Anshi: And FCA officially announced that FXEthos is an authorized firm to avoid
17:53Anshi: typo
17:53Anshi: unauthorized firm to avoid
17:53Melinda Clarke: is there anything else i can help you with?
17:54Anshi: can you explain about the issue ?
17:55Anshi: Do you know why FCA announced that
17:55Melinda Clarke: we don't have any information regarding this issue right now.
17:55Anshi: you are blacklisted on FCA
17:56Melinda Clarke: thank you have a great day ahead
Melinda Clarke has left the conversation.
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The World Class Customer Service Couldn't Give Us Even A Satisfactory Reply and Ran Away

You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke - General
08:23Melinda Clarke: Hello sir, how can i help you?
08:24Anshi: This company is in liquidation ?
08:25Anshi: I saw a document
08:25Melinda Clarke: All the details are on our website sir.
08:25Melinda Clarke: All the details are on our website sir.
08:25Melinda Clarke: All the details are on our website sir.
08:25Melinda Clarke: All the details are on our website sir.
08:26Anshi: I saw the details at a governmental organisation site
08:27Anshi: so no need to loon in details on your site
08:27Anshi: look in ,typo
08:30Anshi: will you carry on your business even though FXEthos and Ethos Capital Limited are in liquidation ?
08:33Anshi: How much debt do you owe ?
Melinda Clarke has left the conversation.
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FXEthos provides world class customer service !!???


Customer Service
  1. We strive to provide world class customer service to all our clients, regardless of account size, volume, or profitability.
  2.  We intend to offer this by:
    1. 30 minutee-mail response time
    2. 6 hours e-mail resolution time
    3. 24 hours over 5 days live chat service


The chat was interrupted and he/she ran away as always

We simply asked him/her if FXEthos was regulated by FCA,but Karthik Subramanian/Melinda Clarke interrupted the chat and ran away as always!!  LOL

Department: General Full Name: Gorge Email: @hotmail.com Your Question: fca Staff: Melinda Clarke
08:51 Your Question: fca 08:51 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly. 
08:51 You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke - General 
08:51 Melinda Clarke: Welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with? 
08:51 Gorge : Are you regulated by FCA ? 
08:52 Gorge : You have an office in London 
08:54 Gorge : I will deposit some of my funds 
08:55 Melinda Clarke: sir we are regulated with FSP in new zealand.
08:56 Melinda Clarke: and yes we an office in London. 
08:57 Gorge : I asked FCA 
08:58 Gorge : regulated by FCA 
09:02 Gorge : I would like to know if you are regulated by them 
09:03 Melinda Clarke has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.
Support Center: http://helpdesk.fxethos.com/


Offices located in HongKong and London ARE WRONG ? LOL

Your Question: Hi,
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke (Support) - General
13:14Melinda Clarke: Greetings! Thank you for getting in touch with us today! How can we assist you?
13:14Melinda Clarke: hi,welcome to fxethos.how can i help you.?
13:14Yi Min Hung: is there guys from India ?
13:15Melinda Clarke: sorry sir , can you say little bit clearly.?
13:16Yi Min Hung: directors and founders from India
13:16Melinda Clarke: we have located in Singapore, Malaysia and India sir
13:17Yi Min Hung: ok, so are there guys from India ?
13:17Melinda Clarke: yes sir
13:17Yi Min Hung: names please
13:18Melinda Clarke: we can't reveal names sir as it is a private company
13:19Yi Min Hung: And i saw FXEthos located in London,HongKong
13:21Melinda Clarke: that information is wrong sir
13:21Yi Min Hung: I saw that info on your site
13:26Yi Min Hung: you put the wrong infos ?
13:27Melinda Clarke: we have located in Singapore, Malaysia and India only
13:27Yi Min Hung: http://www.fxethos.com/enquiry.php
13:27Yi Min Hung: Aren't you based in NZ ?
13:28Yi Min Hung: and forex brokerage is prohibited in india. right ?
13:28Melinda Clarke: Our company is registered and licensed in New Zealand and have located in Singapore, Malaysia and India.
13:28Yi Min Hung: I saw you had office in NZ
13:29Yi Min Hung: Licensed in NZ and offices locate out of NZ ?
13:30Yi Min Hung: What kind of merit does the NZ have ?
13:30Yi Min Hung: http://www.fxethos.com/enquiry.php
13:31Yi Min Hung: office in London and Honkong
13:32Yi Min Hung: let me know the details about it.very interesting
13:32Melinda Clarke: sir we have an office in NewZealand as well sir
13:33Yi Min Hung: so why London Office and HongKong office at http://www.fxethos.com/enquiry.php
13:33Yi Min Hung: closed ?
13:34Melinda Clarke: Sir , we have office located in NewZealand , London , Hongkong, Singapore , Malaysia, India
13:35Yi Min Hung: you said FXEthos had no offices in London nor HongKong
13:36Melinda Clarke: sorry it was my mistake sir. the details now i provided are the right one sir
13:36Yi Min Hung: my friend wanted visit your office in HongKong,but there was not your office
13:37Yi Min Hung: virtual office ?
13:37Melinda Clarke: sir there was an office , please go through that above link sir
13:38Melinda Clarke: it is not virtual sir
13:39Yi Min Hung: my friend visited the address in the link above,but there was not your office there
13:40Melinda Clarke: as per the information i have , we have an office at the mentioned address.
13:40Yi Min Hung: so why there was not your office there ?
13:41Yi Min Hung: moved or closed ?
13:41Melinda Clarke: as per the information i have , we have an office at the mentioned address.
13:43Yi Min Hung: can you show the permission which is issued by Hong Kong Government
13:44Melinda Clarke: sorry sir , i dont have the information at this point of time .
13:45Yi Min Hung: I would like to know how the government would give the permission to a brokerage like FXEthos
13:46Yi Min Hung: will you have another office in another Asian country in future?
13:46Melinda Clarke: sir i provided you the information that i have. if you want to know more about this , kindly send us a mail .
13:47Melinda Clarke: our concerned department will provide you the details sir
13:47Yi Min Hung: you don't provide me the most important info
13:48Yi Min Hung: how do they permit you as a financial brokerage
13:48Melinda Clarke: sir these are the details which i have right now
13:48Yi Min Hung: Foren in India is prohibited
13:49Yi Min Hung: sorry,forex in India
13:49Yi Min Hung: How can you have an office in India
13:51Melinda Clarke: Sir , we have office located in NewZealand , London , Hongkong, Singapore , Malaysia, India
13:52Yi Min Hung: Forex in India is prohibited
13:52Yi Min Hung: How can you run a forex brokerage in India
13:52Melinda Clarke: we have an office in India sir
13:52Yi Min Hung: address please
13:53Yi Min Hung: Is Forex in India prohibited or no
13:54Melinda Clarke: the office in India is support office sir
13:54Yi Min Hung: isn't it related to forex ?
13:55Yi Min Hung: I am asking if forex in India is prohibited or no[
13:55Melinda Clarke: it is support office sir
13:56Yi Min Hung: well, once again,I am asking if forex in India is prohibited or no
13:56Yi Min Hung: director
13:57Yi Min Hung: who is the director of the office in India ?
13:58Melinda Clarke: i dont have that information right now
13:58Melinda Clarke: is there anything else that i can assist you sir.?
13:58Yi Min Hung: contact him/her right now please
13:59Yi Min Hung: there smella a tax issue
14:00Melinda Clarke: sorry sir , i dont have that access to give
14:01Yi Min Hung: if there rises a tax issue you are a co-principal
14:02Yi Min Hung: address please
14:02Melinda Clarke: i dont have any information sir
14:02Melinda Clarke: is there anything else sir.?
14:04Yi Min Hung: only the office in India isn't described on your site
14:05Melinda Clarke: thank you sir . have a great day!!!!!!!!!!
Melinda Clarke has left the conversation.
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Summary of Claims By Creditors

$ 959,313.16 !