
FMA of NZ spreads "fake info" about FXEthos ?? lol

Your Question: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
19:06FxEthos Customer Support: Hi, How may I help you today?
19:06KJKJKLJ: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
19:06KJKJKLJ: any comment please ?
19:09FxEthos Customer Support: For Your Information we are a good going. We have trustful clients in our trading moreover our clients believe us. Hence request you to do not the believe the fake information.
19:10KJKJKLJ: http://www.fma.govt.nz/help-me-invest/risks-involved-in-investing/being-alert-to-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of/#ethoscapitallimited
19:11KJKJKLJ: Why FMA need to spread "fake information" about you ?

(NZ company number: 3957598) In Liquidation

FxEthos Customer Service

221A Dominion Road
Auckland 1024

Level 18, ASB Bank Centre
135 Albert Street

Email: support@fxethos.com
Website: www.fxethos.com

Published on this site August 2013
19:13KJKJKLJ: ready to cut and run again ?
19:14KJKJKLJ: what is the FAKE info about you
19:14FxEthos Customer Support: Please note currently we are not in position of liquidation, we are good going forex trader.
19:15KJKJKLJ: you are in liquidation since May 14 2013
19:16KJKJKLJ: This list shows companies or individuals FMA is aware of who do not comply with New Zealand's financial services laws or are not registered as a financial service provider in New Zealand.

Find out more about why it's important for financial service providers to be registered.

The list is not exhaustive. If you are cold called from a firm, or if you have found a company on the internet, that is not on the list, it does not mean they are genuine or appropriately registered.
19:17KJKJKLJ: so you are still unregurated and in liquidation process
19:18KJKJKLJ: http://imgur.com/YnF4NnW
19:20KJKJKLJ: and show your perfomance record
19:21FxEthos Customer Support: What ever the reason may be, our business is going good now, we have trustful clients and we have believe on them.
19:21KJKJKLJ: show your perfomance record
19:22KJKJKLJ: and explain about this http://www.myfxbook.com/reviews/brokers/fxethos/803340,1
19:23FxEthos Customer Support: As a front end we have a limited access on this , Hence we request you to send a mail to support@fxethos.com to get our performance record.
19:24KJKJKLJ: review which was posted just a month ago
19:25KJKJKLJ: haha "ask to send a email " ?? dont scam me
19:25KJKJKLJ: answer here RIGHT NOW
19:25KJKJKLJ: I will wait
19:26KJKJKLJ: and show your FSP number
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


new pic

Your Question: http://imgur.com/MtF2HhQ
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
18:17FxEthos Customer Support: Hi
18:18FxEthos Customer Support: Welcome to chat support.
18:18fbvfbvdfvdfgdfgdfgdgdg dfgdf g: http://imgur.com/MtF2HhQ
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


Review About FXEthos has been updated THE WORST BROKER EVER LOL


Member Since Nov 09, 2014  1 posts Damfortj Nov 09 at 16:27
Its a very bad broker, its showing positive results to capture clients. Very bad trade references.

Member Since Oct 28, 2014  1 posts NicolaiKryger Nov 11 at 17:13
The worst broker I've ever traded, its very bad. 


what does make him so scared and run away ? lol

Your Question: fpa
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
09:29`suarez: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
09:29FxEthos Customer Support: How can I help you today?
09:30`suarez: can you explain about your issue ?
09:30`suarez: link above
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


I won 100000000 USD lol

 As per his request,We sent them enquiries couple of times via email
But he ran away without answer as always lol
Your Question: Core Principles
Honesty: We treat our clients with complete integrity.-
So Why Does FXEthos Always Tell Stupid Lies ?
Availability: Our specialists are always available to consult with clients on any issue.-So Why Does FXEthos Always Force Quit The Ch
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
02:43FxEthos Customer Support: Hi.Welcome to live support.How may i help you with?
02:44Emma Thomson: I sent enquiries via email but no answer
02:44Emma Thomson: BMD-622-89102
02:45FxEthos Customer Support: May i know the ticket id Emma?
02:45FxEthos Customer Support: Can you please stay online for few minutes while I check this for you?
02:45Emma Thomson: above
02:45Emma Thomson: run away ?
02:46FxEthos Customer Support: Am working on this . Request you to kindly wait for few more minutes
02:46Emma Thomson: I bet you 100000000 usd that you will run away lol
02:47Emma Thomson: or send Invalid Response lol
02:50FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry this is taking littler longer than expected .We are unable to retreive the information right at this moment.If you can give us some time, we will get back to you by email shortly.Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
02:50Emma Thomson: haha by email ?
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


FXEthos's "Core Principles" lol

Core Principles
Honesty: We treat our clients with complete integrity.-
So Why Does FXEthos Always Tell Stupid Lies ?
Availability: Our specialists are always available to consult with clients on any issue.-So Why Does FXEthos Always Force Quit The Chat And Run Away Without Answering Any Questions?
Transparency: We operate above the board and meet all legal requirements.-
So Why FXEthos Doesn't Show Their FSP # As Per Request ?
Reliability: Our reputation means a lot, so we always fulfill our obligations to our clients.-So Why FXEthos Doesn't Announce That

Been In Liquidation Process For More Than A year And Blacklisted By FCA and FMA ?


New Fake Company by Karthik Subrananian lol

 Do they really take liquidity from Capital Markets Investment ? rofl
Your Question: question
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
12:37FxEthos Customer Support: Hi how can I help you today?
12:38Abani: I would love to sign up if you are licensed in NZ
12:39FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you for your Interest in FxEthos .
12:40FxEthos Customer Support: Can I have few minutes to explain the history of our company please?
12:40Abani: yup
12:40FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you.
12:41FxEthos Customer Support: We are also a member of Financial Services Complaint Ltd (FSCL) which is a non-profit arbitration body that handles customer disputes. This body is the first and most respected scheme under the External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme approved by the Minister for Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.
12:41FxEthos Customer Support: We take liquidity from Capital Markets Investment,Capital Markets Investment which is based in NZ.
12:42Abani: and FSP ?
12:42Abani: number of the company please
12:43Abani: register number of the company
12:43FxEthos Customer Support: The capital Markets Investment is the licensed FSP holder.Sorry we take liquidity from them.
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


Kartihk Subramanian /FXEthos is not able to show THEIR FSP number Due To Company's Policy lol

17:07 Your Question: fsp
17:07 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
17:07 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
17:07 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
17:08 FxEthos Customer Support: Hi How can I help you today?
17:08 kumar: fsp
17:09 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you .Can you please explain your query in detail?
17:09 kumar: your FSP number
17:09 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you.
17:09 FxEthos Customer Support: Can I have few minutes to check this for you?
17:09 kumar: ok
17:12 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you for waiting.Am working on this.This will not take longer.Please stay online.
17:14 kumar: ok
17:15 kumar: ROBOFOREX LP is a member of the Financial Services Complaints Ltd.,
and is registered as a financial services provider in the Financial Service Provider
Register New Zealand with registration number FSP246525.
17:15 kumar: likethis
17:16 kumar: like this
17:16 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you sir.
17:16 FxEthos Customer Support: This will not take longer.
17:16 FxEthos Customer Support: Please stay online.
17:23 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you for your patience. Please be online.
17:24 kumar: why not put the number on your site ?
17:25 FxEthos Customer Support: I understand your concern .We are working on this. Please stay connected.
17:25 kumar: check this link http://www.business.govt.nz/fsp/app/ui/fsp/version/searchSummaryCompanyFSP/FSP246525/3.do
17:27 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you.
17:27 kumar: if you are really licensed,FSP number is on http://www.business.govt.nz
17:28 FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry that the moment we are unable to access the information due to technical errors.Request you to kindly help us with your email address so that we can send this information to you at the earliest.
17:28 FxEthos Customer Support: We apologize for the trouble kumar.
17:28 kumar: I did a search for your number but did not found
17:29 kumar: hmm so you are scam ?
17:30 kumar: tech error ? no need tech to know the number
17:30 FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry that you feel this way.Request you to kindly help us with your email address so that we can help you.
17:31 FxEthos Customer Support: We understand your concern. We are not able to access the page internally where we have this information. We apologize for the trouble caused.
17:31 kumar: Just contact your boss
17:31 kumar: so check the page cache
17:32 kumar: or any web archive
17:32 FxEthos Customer Support: Can you please stay online for few more minutes while we check once again ?
17:32 kumar: I didn't find anything about the number
17:33 kumar: ok
17:34 kumar: if you are really licensed by FMA,how come your number is not on http://www.business.govt.nz ?
17:35 kumar: AUTION: FxEthos apprears on the FCA's alerts list. Click Here and go to the last page to verify.

WARNING: Fx Ethos appears to be in liquidation. You can see this on the NZ FMA list of firms and individuals to beware of. Click Here to verify.

Until these regulatory issues can be resolved, the FPA recommends AGAINST placing any money with FxEthos.
17:36 kumar: http://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of#ethoscapitallimited
17:37 FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you for waiting.
17:37 FxEthos Customer Support: We are ethical company and are not involved in any scam sir.It is just that we are unable to help you at the moment. Kindly give us your email address we will send you a email shortly
17:38 FxEthos Customer Support: Request your kind co-operation.
17:38 kumar: I see you are in liquidation
17:39 kumar: How come you claim that you are "authorized" by FMA?
17:39 kumar: AN
17:39 kumar: and you are blacklisted by FMA
17:40 FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry .Request you to mail us your concerns to support@fxethos.com. This being a business chat we are unable to continue for a longer period of time. We will get back to you.
17:40 kumar: >>We are ethical company and are not involved in any scam So why yp
17:40 FxEthos Customer Support: We would like to mail you .If you can help us with your email ID that would be great.
17:41 kumar: why you are on the SCAM alert list ?
17:41 kumar: Maybe you are ready to make off
17:42 kumar: can you answer here right now ?
17:42 FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry that we are unable to share the number now.Please help us with your email address so that we can mail you .
17:42 kumar: http://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of#ethoscapitallimited
17:43 kumar: it's not a kind of thing to share
17:44 kumar: please answer why is your FSP number out of the site
17:45 kumar: and FMA reckons you as scammer
17:45 FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry that we cannot continue the chat for a longer time. These are some information which is not shared according to company policy.Hope you understand and please help us with your email address.
17:46 kumar: So you are not authorized at all,you are scam ,Karthik Subramanian
17:48 kumar: you can not show your own FSP number according to company policy ? lol
17:48 FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.
17:48 FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.

Support Center: http://helpdesk.fxethos.com/

Subramanian, Karthik Email of kartram.77
old no. 70, new no. 42, 53rd street,
ashok nagar
CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600083


Karthik Subramanian's 1st announcement about his scam signal service

On May 2009,Karhik Subramanian proudly announced that he would start his stupid signal service.


 Subramanian, Karthik Email of kartram.77
old no. 70, new no. 42, 53rd street,
ashok nagar
CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600083


Isn't it his info ? lol

You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
16:21FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings welcome to FxEthos how may I help you with?
16:21th: Subramanian, Karthik Email of kartram.77
old no. 70, new no. 42, 53rd street,
ashok nagar
CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600083
16:21th: is that your info ?
FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.

When Will He Explain About This Issue ?




(NZ company number: 3957598) In Liquidation
FxEthos Customer Service

221A Dominion Road
Auckland 1024

Level 18, ASB Bank Centre
135 Albert Street

Email: support@fxethos.com
Website: www.fxethos.com

Published on this site August 2013


Karthik Subramanian miserably ran away again !

21:21 Your Question: fsp
21:21 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
21:21 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
21:21 FxEthos Customer Support: Greetings, how can i help you today?
21:21 kaka: fsp
21:22 kaka: your fsp
21:22 FxEthos Customer Support: kindly wait for a moment
21:25 kaka: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.co
21:25 kaka: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
21:26 kaka: CAUTION: FxEthos apprears on the FCA's alerts list. Click Here and go to the last page to verify.

WARNING: Fx Ethos appears to be in liquidation. You can see this on the NZ FMA list of firms and individuals to beware of. Click Here to verify.

Until these regulatory issues can be resolved, the FPA recommends AGAINST placing any money with FxEthos.
21:26 kaka: what does this mean ??
21:30 FxEthos Customer Support: FxEthos is a retail spot FX brokerage arm.

We are also a member of Financial Services Complaint Ltd (FSCL) which is a non-profit arbitration body that handles customer disputes. This body is the first and most respected scheme under the External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme approved by the Minister for Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.
21:30 kaka: read this CAUTION: FxEthos apprears on the FCA's alerts list. Click Here and go to the last page to verify.

WARNING: Fx Ethos appears to be in liquidation. You can see this on the NZ FMA list of firms and individuals to beware of. Click Here to verify.

Until these regulatory issues can be resolved, the FPA recommends AGAINST placing any money with FxEthos.
21:31 kaka: you are not member of any organisations you mention
21:32 kaka: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
21:32 FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.


Forex Peace Army Updated the Infos About FXEthos


CAUTION: FxEthos apprears on the FCA's alerts list.  Click Here and go to the last page to verify.
WARNING:  Fx Ethos appears to be in liquidation.  You can see this on the NZ FMA list of firms and individuals to beware of.  Click Here to verify.
Until these regulatory issues can be resolved, the FPA recommends AGAINST placing any money with FxEthos.

Awaiting for a comment from Stupid Scammer Karthik Subramanian lol


No answers and running away lol

Your Question: https://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of
Staff: FxEthos Customer Support 2

01:20 Your Question: https://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of
01:20 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
01:21 Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
01:21 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
01:22 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings!Welcome to fxethos 
01:22 robo: have a look at the link above
01:22 FxEthos Customer Support 2: How can i help you?
01:23 robo: you are blacklisted by FMA
01:23 robo: of NZ
01:24 robo: when will you stop telling stupid lies
01:25 robo: debt of about 1 million usd
01:27 robo: you could not even buy a new bicycle I heard lol
01:27 robo: filling due date 14 May 2014 
01:28 robo: or you will be arrested lol
01:28 FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.


When Will He Stop Telling These Idiotic Lies ??

19:52 Your Question: sign up
19:52 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
19:53 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
19:53 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings! Welcome to FxEthos
19:53 diana: FSP number
19:53 FxEthos Customer Support 2: How can i help you?
19:54 diana: FSP number
19:55 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Just a moment
19:58 FxEthos Customer Support 2: please refer this link for our company history http://www.fxethos.com/history.php
19:59 diana: there is no number
20:00 diana: how were you able to obtain the number although you were in liquidation process
20:00 FxEthos Customer Support 2: We are also a member of Financial Services Complaint Ltd (FSCL) which is a non-profit arbitration body that handles customer disputes. This body is the first and most respected scheme under the External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme approved by the Minister for Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.
20:00 diana: due date was Nov 25 2013
20:02 diana: I saw some reviews about you,shows that you were not member of FSCL
20:02 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Right now i dont have the information you required can you please provide your email id .so that all your query's will be addressed
20:02 diana: You have never been the member
20:03 diana: providing infos is your job
20:04 diana: I know you will never answer me
20:04 diana: when will you repay the debt ?
20:04 diana: about 1 million usd
20:06 diana: I am contacting your creditor
20:06 FxEthos Customer Support 2: We understand your concerned, right now i don't have the access to view the information so kindly provide your email id.SO that our concerned team will get back to you through mail
20:06 diana: lol how many times we hear that ?
20:07 diana: we have been awaiting for an answer since 2012
20:07 FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.

Support Center: http://helpdesk.fxethos.com/


Here Is An Archived Page of His Scam Site NSKVENTURE.COM



Welcome to the website of one of the premier forex traders out there. Karthik Has been trading forex for over a decade now and has built up an impressive track record over the years and now manages funds in Singapore and USA. He uses a proprietary trading strategy that works for a variety of instruments which has helped him build his portfolio and his AUM slowly but steadily over the years. he

Does He Really Manage Fund  in Singapore And The USA ? LOL

Why We Know This Is His Site?

Hint  His FB and Linkedin.


"Bright Young Man From India"s innovative idea !!



HIS address and TEL # is as follows

Administrative Contact:
      Subramanian, Karthik  Email of kartram.77
      old no. 70, new no. 42, 53rd street,
      ashok nagar
      CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600083


Another Stupid Scam History By Karthik Subramanian Revealed


The Article Says "A Bright Young Man From India" started a new business with an innovative idea.bla bla...

WHO IS THE BRIGHT YOUNG MAN ?? Did Karthik Subramanian himself  write the article as always as well as the other profiles on the net LOL

Why we know that is his scam   hint : contact info and tel #


Karthik Subramanian's personal info has been revealed lol


Administrative Contact:
      Subramanian, Karthik  Email of kartram.77
      old no. 70, new no. 42, 53rd street,
      ashok nagar
      CHENNAI, Tamil Nadu 600083
Why we know this is his personal info ?

Hint : EMAIL ADDRESS and the company's name  NSKVENTURES.COM

He claims to be a CEO of NSK VENTUREs @ https://www.facebook.com/karthik.subramanian.969


Finally FMA blacklisted FXEthos/Ethos Capital Limted

Fxethos/Ethos Capital Limited are on FMA's black list



FMA blacklisted FXEthos/Ethos Capital Limited

Your Question: https://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 3 - General
04:12FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
04:12wycoff: https://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of
04:13wycoff: please explain
04:13FxEthos Customer Support 3: Hello sir how can i help u
04:14wycoff: https://www.fma.govt.nz/keep-updated/warnings,-alerts-and-scams/names-of-firms-and-individuals-to-be-wary-of
04:14wycoff: please explain your status
04:14FxEthos Customer Support 3: we have no information regarding ur subject sir
04:14wycoff: you are blacklisted by FMA
04:15wycoff: Check the link
04:15wycoff: just search in the link
04:16FxEthos Customer Support 3: any help regarding trading u can ask me
04:16wycoff: you are recognized as a scam by FMA
04:17wycoff: How can you run a "business" in NZ


Karthik Subramanian miserably backfired and ran away !! rofl

How come he can not show the number yet ? why backfired ? lol

Your Question: number
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 3 - General
23:24FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
23:24fgdfdgdf: FSP number
23:25FxEthos Customer Support 3: Get a life
23:25fgdfdgdf: dont send "invalid response"
23:25FxEthos Customer Support 3: how long will you keep doing this?
23:25FxEthos Customer Support 3: whatever genius
23:25fgdfdgdf: show me the number
23:25FxEthos Customer Support 3: we are running a business
23:26fgdfdgdf: it's your due
23:26FxEthos Customer Support 3: if doing such "investigation" makes you a hero, go ahead, inspire yourself
23:26FxEthos Customer Support 3: give me your name and number
23:26FxEthos Customer Support 3: i will call you to give all the details
23:26fgdfdgdf: How can you claim yourself to be regulated brokerage
23:26FxEthos Customer Support 3: its your due as well
23:27fgdfdgdf: FMA blacklisted you few month ago
23:27fgdfdgdf: full of lies
23:27FxEthos Customer Support 3: if you don't have the guts to come clean yourself,
23:27FxEthos Customer Support 3: who are you fooling trying to come clean with our details?
23:27fgdfdgdf: haha can you show the number
23:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: go ahead, inspire and motivate yourself
23:28fgdfdgdf: when
23:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: the whole world reads your blog anyway
23:28fgdfdgdf: can you show it
23:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: give me your phone number please
23:28fgdfdgdf: please
23:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: can you give it?
23:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: PLEASE?
23:28fgdfdgdf: whats due to us ?
23:29fgdfdgdf: backfired lol
23:29FxEthos Customer Support 3: go ahead sir, have a nice day
23:29fgdfdgdf: if you can really show us the number, I will do it
23:30fgdfdgdf: anyways you will run away
23:30FxEthos Customer Support 3: and you can post this on your blog too hero, i am sure that motivates you always
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation. 
The chat conversation has ended.
23:31FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
23:31FxEthos Customer Support 3: sure
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation. 


What is the voluntary donation they are promoting for ? why ran away ? lol

What is the voluntary donation they are promoting for in spite of their liquidation and insolvency ?? 
http://fxethosreview-fxethos.weebly.com/Company Philosophy

  1. We promote personal voluntary donations through our trading network. Voluntary donations are used for:
    • Micro loan facilities through entrepreneurial schemes and financing programs
    • Charity, relief fund, and other social welfare activities
    We hope you will join us as we donate to the less fortunate

arun: donation fund
02:41FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
02:41FxEthos Customer Support 3: how can i help u sir
02:41arun: what the voluntary donation is for
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


Fastest Record ?

Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 3 - General
01:03FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
01:03yogesh: FSP number
01:03FxEthos Customer Support 3: Hello sir, how can i help you?
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation.
Click here to leave a message.


Concerned team ? lol

FXEthos is operated by one man= Karthik Subramanian

"FSP number is in client area but we can not show you due to some reason" rofl why he can not do it ?
Your Question: doc
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 3 - General
14:39FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
14:40FxEthos Customer Support 3: Hello sir, how can i help you?
14:40kumar: FSP number
14:41FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir you can see our FSP number in your client area.
14:41kumar: and when will you finish filing the insolvency document
14:42kumar: no need to hide the number in client area
14:43kumar: do the same as roboforex does
14:45kumar: I know a client who says there is no FSP number in client area
14:45FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir its not like we are hiding FSP number, you can see there itself.
14:45kumar: why are you telling so many lies
14:46FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir you can verify it.
14:47FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir long back it was on our website, but due to some problem we mentioned it in client area.
14:47kumar: one of my friend was the client and he said "No FSP number there"
14:48FxEthos Customer Support 3: If you have further quries, you can send us a mail on support@fxethos.com
14:48kumar: why did you mention it in client area
14:48FxEthos Customer Support 3: Our concerned team will look after this and they will guide accordingly.
14:49kumar: can not figure it out
14:49kumar: and regarding the insolvency document
14:50kumar: when will you finish filing
14:51FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir kindly see all the details briefly on our web site.
14:51kumar: there in no "concerned team"
14:52kumar: no infos about the insolvency
14:53kumar: I will contact the creditor and report your data to them
14:54FxEthos Customer Support 3: Is there any thing else i may help you with ?
14:54kumar: Karthik Subramanian
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation.
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