
what does make him so scared and run away ? lol

Your Question: fpa
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09:29`suarez: http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/review/www.fxethos.com
09:29FxEthos Customer Support: How can I help you today?
09:30`suarez: can you explain about your issue ?
09:30`suarez: link above
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I won 100000000 USD lol

 As per his request,We sent them enquiries couple of times via email
But he ran away without answer as always lol
Your Question: Core Principles
Honesty: We treat our clients with complete integrity.-
So Why Does FXEthos Always Tell Stupid Lies ?
Availability: Our specialists are always available to consult with clients on any issue.-So Why Does FXEthos Always Force Quit The Ch
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
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02:43FxEthos Customer Support: Hi.Welcome to live support.How may i help you with?
02:44Emma Thomson: I sent enquiries via email but no answer
02:44Emma Thomson: BMD-622-89102
02:45FxEthos Customer Support: May i know the ticket id Emma?
02:45FxEthos Customer Support: Can you please stay online for few minutes while I check this for you?
02:45Emma Thomson: above
02:45Emma Thomson: run away ?
02:46FxEthos Customer Support: Am working on this . Request you to kindly wait for few more minutes
02:46Emma Thomson: I bet you 100000000 usd that you will run away lol
02:47Emma Thomson: or send Invalid Response lol
02:50FxEthos Customer Support: We are sorry this is taking littler longer than expected .We are unable to retreive the information right at this moment.If you can give us some time, we will get back to you by email shortly.Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
02:50Emma Thomson: haha by email ?
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FXEthos's "Core Principles" lol

Core Principles
Honesty: We treat our clients with complete integrity.-
So Why Does FXEthos Always Tell Stupid Lies ?
Availability: Our specialists are always available to consult with clients on any issue.-So Why Does FXEthos Always Force Quit The Chat And Run Away Without Answering Any Questions?
Transparency: We operate above the board and meet all legal requirements.-
So Why FXEthos Doesn't Show Their FSP # As Per Request ?
Reliability: Our reputation means a lot, so we always fulfill our obligations to our clients.-So Why FXEthos Doesn't Announce That

Been In Liquidation Process For More Than A year And Blacklisted By FCA and FMA ?


New Fake Company by Karthik Subrananian lol

 Do they really take liquidity from Capital Markets Investment ? rofl
Your Question: question
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12:37FxEthos Customer Support: Hi how can I help you today?
12:38Abani: I would love to sign up if you are licensed in NZ
12:39FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you for your Interest in FxEthos .
12:40FxEthos Customer Support: Can I have few minutes to explain the history of our company please?
12:40Abani: yup
12:40FxEthos Customer Support: Thank you.
12:41FxEthos Customer Support: We are also a member of Financial Services Complaint Ltd (FSCL) which is a non-profit arbitration body that handles customer disputes. This body is the first and most respected scheme under the External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme approved by the Minister for Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.
12:41FxEthos Customer Support: We take liquidity from Capital Markets Investment,Capital Markets Investment which is based in NZ.
12:42Abani: and FSP ?
12:42Abani: number of the company please
12:43Abani: register number of the company
12:43FxEthos Customer Support: The capital Markets Investment is the licensed FSP holder.Sorry we take liquidity from them.
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