
FxEthos's stupid "forex course"

Fxethos has three so called forex courses


on the other hand, Karthik Subramanian asked other person via twitter "where do i start to learn Elliot Wave if i want to learn it" lol

ns_karthik @chirho23nice...so where do i start if i want to learn?173 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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ns_karthik @chirho23nice...thanks for the reply...great to see another self-learner...which book did u use? i am planning to learn EW...thats why..173 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite
ns_karthik profile
ns_karthik @chirho23 u r doing very well..well done...how did u learn EW?173 days ago · reply · retweet · favorite