
When is "soon" ? lol

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You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke (Support) - General
19:08Melinda Clarke: Greetings! Thank you for getting in touch with us today! How can we assist you?
19:08yogesh: #
19:08Melinda Clarke: Welcome to fxethos.how may i help you with?
19:09yogesh: reg # please
19:09Melinda Clarke: it will be updated soon on our website
19:09yogesh: when is "soon"
19:10yogesh: how many times have you lied?
19:11yogesh: "soon" since Oct 2012 ?
19:11Melinda Clarke: is there anything else i can help you with?
19:11yogesh: ANSWER PLEASE
19:12Melinda Clarke: Thank you have a great day!
19:12Melinda Clarke: Thank you have a great day!
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