
When Will He Stop Telling These Idiotic Lies ??

19:52 Your Question: sign up
19:52 Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
19:53 You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
19:53 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings! Welcome to FxEthos
19:53 diana: FSP number
19:53 FxEthos Customer Support 2: How can i help you?
19:54 diana: FSP number
19:55 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Just a moment
19:58 FxEthos Customer Support 2: please refer this link for our company history http://www.fxethos.com/history.php
19:59 diana: there is no number
20:00 diana: how were you able to obtain the number although you were in liquidation process
20:00 FxEthos Customer Support 2: We are also a member of Financial Services Complaint Ltd (FSCL) which is a non-profit arbitration body that handles customer disputes. This body is the first and most respected scheme under the External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme approved by the Minister for Consumer Affairs under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008.
20:00 diana: due date was Nov 25 2013
20:02 diana: I saw some reviews about you,shows that you were not member of FSCL
20:02 FxEthos Customer Support 2: Right now i dont have the information you required can you please provide your email id .so that all your query's will be addressed
20:02 diana: You have never been the member
20:03 diana: providing infos is your job
20:04 diana: I know you will never answer me
20:04 diana: when will you repay the debt ?
20:04 diana: about 1 million usd
20:06 diana: I am contacting your creditor
20:06 FxEthos Customer Support 2: We understand your concerned, right now i don't have the access to view the information so kindly provide your email id.SO that our concerned team will get back to you through mail
20:06 diana: lol how many times we hear that ?
20:07 diana: we have been awaiting for an answer since 2012
20:07 FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation. Click here to leave a message.

Support Center: http://helpdesk.fxethos.com/