
Haven't They Filed The Insolvency Document Yet ?

 No Answers and Ran Away As Always lol
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 3 - General
01:27FxEthos Customer Support 3: Greetings, how can i help you today?
01:27arun: files please
01:27FxEthos Customer Support 3: Hello sir, how can i help you?
01:28arun: have you filed the Insolvency Document ?
01:28FxEthos Customer Support 3: Sir which files do you want from us?
01:29arun: Insolvency Doc
01:30arun: Due date Nov 25
01:30arun: not filed yet ?
FxEthos Customer Support 3 has left the conversation.
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As Always

Your Question: number
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You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
15:43FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings welcome to FxEthos how may I help you with?
15:43yogesh: Can you shoe me the FSP number
15:43yogesh: show
15:44yogesh: awaiting for more than 1 year
15:45FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment
15:45FxEthos Customer Support 2: The lawyer firm is a trustee. It has got nothing to do with FSP
15:46yogesh: i DONT ASK regarding lawfirm
15:46yogesh: just show us the number
15:46FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment while i check and tell you
15:47yogesh: you have nothing to do with the FSP ?
15:48FxEthos Customer Support 2: Please send us a mail with the details to support@fxethos.com
15:48yogesh: No
15:48yogesh: right now here please
15:49yogesh: awaiting for more than 1 year
15:49FxEthos Customer Support 2: please visit our website and we will let you know through mail
15:50yogesh: may I send an email to KARTHIK.NS@FXEHOS.COM ?LOL
15:50FxEthos Customer Support 2: ok
15:50yogesh: you never answer me
15:51yogesh: who does own the address ?
15:51yogesh: the SBM ?
FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation.
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Hasn't he filed the Insolvecy Document yet ?

 Why did he run away? lol

Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
16:12FxEthos Customer Support 2: welcome how may I help you with?
16:12yogesh: have you filed the insolvency report?
16:13yogesh: Still money on hands 0$ ?
FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation.
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Let's see how it goes..

Looking forward to see the report

                        Liquidator Six Monthly Report  due   25 Nov 2013


Karthik Subramanian =FXEthos finally went off his head AND ran away lol

Your Question: #
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
17:33FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings welcome to FxEthos how may I help you with?
17:33yogesh: please provide FSP # with me
17:34FxEthos Customer Support 2: Please send us a mail with the details to support@fxethos.com
17:34yogesh: please provide it here
17:34FxEthos Customer Support 2: Is there anything else i can help you with?
17:35FxEthos Customer Support 2: could you please provide your fsp number
17:35yogesh: lol Do I HAVE THE # ?
17:36yogesh: i sent a query few month ago but never hear back from you
17:36FxEthos Customer Support 2: are you asking for the fsp number?
17:37yogesh: when can you show us the #
17:37FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment while i check and tell
17:38yogesh: although everybody knows you are fake
17:38yogesh: don't run away lol
17:39FxEthos Customer Support 2: Is there anything else i can help you with? or else let me end the chat
17:39yogesh: Why do you have to end the chat ?Karthik Subramanian
17:39yogesh: run away again ?
17:40yogesh: I reported your FB account to FCA
FxEthos Customer Support 2 has left the conversation.
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Karthik Subramanian intended to involve others in his a PayPal Alternative Scam Plan in 2002

I am Karthik from India.And as many of you i am also one of those who has been greatly affected by the services of paypal.My account has been locked and for the past 1 month i have been trying to get it unlocked but am still unable to.

But this has set me thinking.Instead of so many of us wasting so much time and energy complaining about paypal,why dont some of us take the initiative to start a similar service?There are a few out there but if you try them out,each one has its own problems.Some of them might solve some problems but introduce new ones.And i also realise that there are lots of problems starting a similar one.But if we sit together ,i am sure we can find a solution to every problem.

The main problem is that paypal is so huge and how we can beat them.Well,we may not be able to beat them in USA but there are so many other countries like Australia,UK and India where the market is huge,paypal penetration is very low and there is no big alternative site with the same concept.So these countries provide us with a huge market.We could possibly start a site catering to the needs of this country alone and then move on a to global one.

Then the problem of financing the site comes in.Maybe 4-5 of us can join together.Or maybe we can put up strategic partnerships among ourselves,like one of us building the site,one of us marketing etc.Or we can launch a fund where each affected customer can contribute,say 10 dollars for the new site.I am sure we can work out a way.

With paypal being acquired by ebay,they will use paypal for ebay centric business which leaves out several customers who need paypal for other kinds of transactions.These customers can be targeted.

Think about it.All these writing will be of no use to attack paypal.It is like scraping the side of a mountain.We need to shake the foundation of the mountain and that is paypal's business.Together we can do it.If any one of you feels that i am right ,please mail me at ns_karthik@yahoo.com.


Q. Why we know this "ns_karthik" guy is the same Karthik guy as the founder of FXEthos ?
A . ns_karthik@yahoo.com has been this guy's email address.


The less fortunate = Karthik Subramanian ? ROFL


Company Philosophy
  1. We promote personal voluntary donations through our trading network. Voluntary donations are used for:
    • Micro loan facilities through entrepreneurial schemes and financing programs
    • Charity, relief fund, and other social welfare activities
    We hope you will join us as we donate to the less fortunate

Forex Scam Brokerage FXEthos which is in liquidation due to insolvency  promotes voluntary donations ??

He donates to the less fortunate = himself ? 


FXEthos lied again....

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There are currently 1 chat request(s) before you in the chat queue.
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You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke (Support) - General
22:09Melinda Clarke: Greetings! Thank you for getting in touch with us today! How can we assist you?
22:10Melinda Clarke: Welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with?
22:10patavanaman: #
22:10Melinda Clarke: sorry sir. i didn't get you
22:11patavanaman:  reg #
22:12Melinda Clarke: it will be updated in our website within a week.
22:12patavanaman: u lied 2 times already
Melinda Clarke has left the conversation.
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Great History of Karthik Subramanian @ Curowelth.com

Fund Manager, N.S.Karthik, has over 8 years of experience in the forex trading market and is currently managing growth funds for investment Firms in both the UK and the US. He also works as an analyst for various websites likewww.fxstreet.com and www.fxinstructor.com as and when time permits. He had also been blogging at http://ns-karthik.blogspot.com/ with almost 400 visitors a day before embarking on this venture. He had also in the IT field for almost 11 years and has been the project manager for various projects for Discover Card in the USA and AXA Life & Pensions in the UK. URL:


$ 0.00 Money on Hand..Can They Really Trust Client's Funds ?

Your Question: withdrawing
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Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
15:41FxEthos Customer Support: Hi
15:41FxEthos Customer Support: How can i help you?
15:42Java: I saw you had $ 0.00 on Hand
15:42Java: really entrusted ?
15:43Java: how can you protect client's funds
15:44Java: from bankrupt
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
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World Class Customer Support Service ?? Part 3 why do they run away always, if they are really member of FDR and FSP ?

Comment:Added by Fx-Ethos Support on 2013-08-21 01:55
First of all, thanks for your appreciation about the execution standards of FxEthos. The reason why we had to switch out of FSCL is due to the fact that all FSP licensed brokers had to get registered with an organisation called FDR (a dispute resolution body) as per the FMA rules. Hence, now we are registered as an FSP and a member of FDR and hence had to move out of FSCL.

At FxEthos, we pride in being honest and ethical and would never look to cheat any of our clients in any manner. Our existing clients are proof of that.

Then I asked if FXEthos were really member of FDR and FSP
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
You are now chatting with FxEthos
Customer Support - General
11:01FxEthos Customer Support: Hi
11:01FxEthos Customer Support: How can i help you today?
11:02woo : Hi, are you member of FDR and FSP ?
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
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Your Question: trading in the UK
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
20:33FxEthos Customer Support: welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with?
20:34wen: are you regulated in the UK ?
20:35FxEthos Customer Support: welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with?
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
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World Class Customer Support Service ??

Your Question: Karthik N S (Fund Manager – Curowelth) has been in the forex industry for more than 8 years and has worked in some very reputable organizations and hedge funds. He has overseen the growth of these funds. He is highly regarded as a fund manager/forex trade
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support - General
23:21FxEthos Customer Support: Greetings, how can i help you today?
23:22Karthik N S (Fund Manager – Curowelth): what is your FSP #?
FxEthos Customer Support has left the conversation.
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Karthik Subramanian's stupid fake profile at curowelth.com

URL http://archive.is/CGq8I
Fund Manager, N.S.Karthik, has over 8 years of experience in the forex trading market and is currently managing growth funds for investment Firms in both the UK and the US. 
He also works as an analyst for various websites likewww.fxstreet.com and www.fxinstructor.com as and when time permits. He had also been blogging at http://ns-karthik.blogspot.com/ with almost 400 visitors a day before embarking on this venture. 
He had also in the IT field for almost 11 years and has been the project manager for various projects for Discover Card in the USA and AXA Life & Pensions in the UK.

The Scam Site Is Back !! lol

His former financial scam site "curowelth.com" is back thanks to the Internet Archive WayBack Machine



"Compliance Director" John Islington = Karthik Subramanian told an idiotic makeshift lie and ran away


Your Question: infos about you
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
Your request is important to us. Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with John Islington - General
15:37John Islington: Hi
15:38John Islington: How can i help you today?
15:38Sinyu: infos are updated ?
15:38John Islington: Sorry sir but i do not understand the question?
15:38Sinyu: infos about the liquidation and insolvency
15:39John Islington: Oh yes, please visit the page , all infos are updated there
15:39John Islington: http://fxethos.com/faq.php
15:39Sinyu: ok thanks
15:41Sinyu: cant find it
John Islington has left the conversation.
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A Document About Their Liquidation And Insolvency Will Be Updated On Their Site Within A Few Days

Your Question: document about the liquidation
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You are now chatting with Melinda Clarke - General
17:49Melinda Clarke: welcome to fxethos. how may i help you with?
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Hi,
17:49Anshi: Where is the document about the liquidation ?
17:50Melinda Clarke: sorry i didn't get you.
17:51Anshi: you said the document regarding the liquidation process was on your site
17:51Anshi: liquidation and insolvency
17:52Melinda Clarke: it will be updated in our website within a few days.
17:52Anshi: And FCA officially announced that FXEthos is an authorized firm to avoid
17:53Anshi: typo
17:53Anshi: unauthorized firm to avoid
17:53Melinda Clarke: is there anything else i can help you with?
17:54Anshi: can you explain about the issue ?
17:55Anshi: Do you know why FCA announced that
17:55Melinda Clarke: we don't have any information regarding this issue right now.
17:55Anshi: you are blacklisted on FCA
17:56Melinda Clarke: thank you have a great day ahead
Melinda Clarke has left the conversation.
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