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You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
15:43FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings welcome to FxEthos how may I help you with?
15:43yogesh: Can you shoe me the FSP number
15:43yogesh: show
15:44yogesh: awaiting for more than 1 year
15:45FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment
15:45FxEthos Customer Support 2: The lawyer firm is a trustee. It has got nothing to do with FSP
15:46yogesh: i DONT ASK regarding lawfirm
15:46yogesh: just show us the number
15:46FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment while i check and tell you
15:47yogesh: you have nothing to do with the FSP ?
15:48FxEthos Customer Support 2: Please send us a mail with the details to support@fxethos.com
15:48yogesh: No
15:48yogesh: right now here please
15:49yogesh: awaiting for more than 1 year
15:49FxEthos Customer Support 2: please visit our website and we will let you know through mail
15:50yogesh: may I send an email to KARTHIK.NS@FXEHOS.COM ?LOL
15:50FxEthos Customer Support 2: ok
15:50yogesh: you never answer me
15:51yogesh: who does own the address ?
15:51yogesh: the SBM ?