Your Question: #
Please wait, an operator will be with you shortly.
You are now chatting with FxEthos Customer Support 2 - General
17:33FxEthos Customer Support 2: Greetings welcome to FxEthos how may I help you with?
17:33yogesh: please provide FSP # with me
17:34FxEthos Customer Support 2: Please send us a mail with the details to
17:34yogesh: please provide it here
17:34FxEthos Customer Support 2: Is there anything else i can help you with?
17:35FxEthos Customer Support 2: could you please provide your fsp number
17:35yogesh: lol Do I HAVE THE # ?
17:36yogesh: i sent a query few month ago but never hear back from you
17:36FxEthos Customer Support 2: are you asking for the fsp number?
17:37yogesh: when can you show us the #
17:37FxEthos Customer Support 2: give me a moment while i check and tell
17:38yogesh: although everybody knows you are fake
17:38yogesh: don't run away lol
17:39FxEthos Customer Support 2: Is there anything else i can help you with? or else let me end the chat
17:39yogesh: Why do you have to end the chat ?Karthik Subramanian
17:39yogesh: run away again ?
17:40yogesh: I reported your FB account to FCA